Lower Sugar Fudgy Chocolate Brownie Recipe

These brownies were LUSH! I made them differently from the base recipe to be less sweet so better for those counting calories but the real reason was that someone I bake a lot for is diabetic and so I’m trying to keep it sweet without using sweetener and balance everything.
This is dark but delightful and still sweet BUT if you are used to really sweet things this will come up dark and slightly challenging so swap the dark chocolate for a 50% milk. If you do for a standard 18% or 22% milk chocolate, this will just be sickly sweet and inedible.
300g unsalted butter
340g 72% dark chocolate (use a high quality like Askinosie, Willies Cacao, or choose ethical like Divine or Green & Blacks)
5 eggs
350g light brown sugar (I use Billington’s)
200g plain flour
1 Tbsp vanilla
Line a large rectangle tin with parchment. I actually use a roasting tin. If it is too deep it will require longer in the oven.
Melt the butter and chocolate together in a ban marie on the stove. I recommend chopping the butter up and breaking the chocolate up for speed and ease. Mix this until melted and set aside to cool.
In a separate bowl, whip together eggs and sugar and vanilla until the mixture coats the back of a spoon. It is very important to get it to this point.
Check that the chocolate has cooled by placing it on your lip.
Add chocolate/butter to the eggs/sugar and mix together well. If the chocolate is not cool, it will cook the eggs. I’ve done this, there is no coming back from it and you’ll need to start over and will have wasted all those ingredients.
Sift in flour to this big mix and fold in well (but not too much).
Bake in the oven at 150C (fab) for 30-35min until there is no wobble and a cake skewer comes out free of wet batter.
Remove from pan and let cool before cutting and enjoying!
Don’t leave it in the pan for too long as it will sweat and it actually makes the outside of the brownie damp and that is not what you want in a brownie.